Sunday, October 14, 2007

Newsprint vs online news and news blogs

The following is a list of sites I have gone to . I have also become a subscriber to the online news magazine " The Nation." I am really getting a lot of valuable information from all of these sites. I don't think there is so much rivalry between e-zines and news blogs. They seem to complement one another. I appreciated both versions. The news blogs seem to be very professional and the writers definitely appear to be well informed. I have enjoyed reading the articles. I have considered the credibility of these organizations and have come to a conclusion. Hacks and uneducated people are not going to take the time to participate in these news blogs. The majority of people contributing to these news blogs are intelligent, sincere individuals who genuinely seem to care about our world. I am always informed and pleasantly entertained by these sites. I wish I had more time to read all of the articles. I feel pressured sometimes because the information is interesting and I get side tracked when I need to be turning work in.

I have learned a great deal from reading "The Nation." I also subscribed to an online magazine and was impressed by the layout, graphics and the ability to turn pages.

I continue to see how my first opinion was narrow minded and not well thought out. I continue to see and learn the value of online news. I prefer it now over other formats. I once had an opinion based on little knowledge and first hand experience.

1 comment:

kristen said...

I really enjoyed looking at all the websites you searched. I did especially enjoy "The Nation", I might even think about subscribing to it!